Tezos via JSOO - 03, Structured value

This mini tutorial series shows how to access Tezos network from web browsers using JSOO, js_of_ocaml library. This is the 3rd tutorial. The previous tutorials are available at: 01, Node access 02, Account balance Structured value from Tezos RPC In the last tutorial, we have got the balance of an account. Tezos account balance is returned as a JSON string like "12345678". We used JS’s JSON parser _JSON##parse to convert it to a JS string, then to an arbitrary precision integer Z. [続きを読む]

Tezos via JSOO - 02, Account balance

This mini tutorial series shows how to access Tezos network from web browsers using JSOO, js_of_ocaml library. This is the second tutorial. The first one is available at: 01, Node access Balance of an account To get the balance of given account, we can use RPC endpoint GET /chains/main/blocks/<block_id>/context/contracts/<contract_id>/balance which is described here. Let’s get the balance of the account tz3RDC3Jdn4j15J7bBHZd29EUee9gVB1CxD9 via this RPC. Its URL is https://mainnet.smartpy.io/chains/main/blocks/head/context/contracts/tz3RDC3Jdn4j15J7bBHZd29EUee9gVB1CxD9/balance: $ curl https://mainnet. [続きを読む]

Tezos via JSOO - 01, Node access

This mini tutorial series shows how to access Tezos network from web browsers using JSOO, js_of_ocaml library. Please note that this Tezos+JSOO is not a mainstream Tezos off-chain programming at all. Usually it is recommended to use more popular framework such as Taquito. That being said, some people who are proficient in OCaml like us in DaiLambda may find this tutorial interesting. This tutorial assumes that the reader knows how to use OCaml, Lwt, and JSOO. [続きを読む]